So, you have learned to spin, but trying a new fiber makes your hands sweat and your body shudder. Now you are ready to learn to control your thread and wheel instead of letting them control you. Every spinner has a method of holding the fiber and getting it into a thread – that is her "draw". Learn how the combination of the wheel design, treadling speed, and draw style work to form thread. Expand your knowledge of your own equipment, different drafting styles, and how preparation of fiber can help give a spinner control over the yarns created. Experiment with different fibers and preparations, get the "feel" of drafting.
Supply fee: $20, handout and fibers provided.
Beginner/Intermediate Level: students should be able to keep their wheel going and make a yarn.
One-day class for 15 people
Students should bring: spinning wheel or several dropspindles. Supplies or tool kit for maintaining their wheel.
Classroom set-up: chair for each student placed in a circle, table for teacher’s supplies and samples and electricity for computer