On this page you will find documents that can be useful to you in your experimenting and learning of fibers and their characteristics.  

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Retail Book Order Form
This is a order blank for books from World In A Spin Publishing.

Dyers Journal
This is a blank template to record your dyeing experiences.

Build A Backstrap Loom Using A Heddle System A Small Rigid
Information on how to build a backstrap loom.

Spindle Making Directions
Information on how to build your own drop spindle.

How to Spin on a Handspindle
Instructional guide on the basics for how to use a handspindle.

Combining Knit and Crochet
Information of how to join two different techniques into one project.

Cocktails and Camelids
A handout from a workshop talking about South American Textiles. Learn how to make a drop spindle and spin and weave a small pouch. Read about dyeing, and get some recipes to get you started.

Picture Granny Square
Tips and pattern for how to make Granny Square Pictures.

Build a Cardboard Loom 
Instructions on how to build a 4-harness cardboard loom.