Knitting and crochet create very different fabrics, and so people often keep them separate, but wonderful and unique pieces can be created if you break down the barriers and mix up these two wonderful techniques. Let’s take a look at projects new looks can be made from thinking outside the books and patterns. From simple edgings to projects that incorporate both techniques in the body of the piece. Try out some combinations of the instructor’s and try out some combinations of your own. The results can be to take your work into new and exciting directions. The handout will have in-depth information and students will be given a pattern for a scarf which they will begin in class.
All Levels: students need to know how to cast on, knit, purl, bind off, make a chain, single crochet, double crochet, slip stitch, and read simple knitting or crochet patterns.
15 people
Supply Fee: $4.00: includes handout and pattern
Students need to bring: knitting accessory and tool kit, a range of knitting needles and crochet hooks, several ounces of yarn in more than one color.
Classroom setup: U-shaped table and chairs, table for teacher’s supplies and samples, electricity for computer
This is a 1 day class.